I honestly feel so excited, lucky, honored and on and on. I am so full of emotions this week. I have loved SIS since the first day i stummbled on it through elise's blog. It is such a positive, inspiring and supportive community for scrapbookers and I only hope I can do my title justice. And wow, did you see the talent in the other girls who made it too! Seriously!
Congrats to all my new Fgirls, awesome job to all who tried out. The talent pool was intense. Still pretty surprised i squeeked in. Can't wait to see what this year brings.
So, with that said,
I think we should do a little RAK to celebrate! I was thinking i should do this all week, and then i saw amber's blog and so she convinced me, time to give stuff away!
And it is gonna be pretty cool.
How does 1 roll of the coveted SIStv houndstooth gaffer tape sound? Oh, and maybe a piece of my favorite SIStv paper, the KC Label Love Chloe paper.... you know the one that is green woodgrain. hot hot hot! Plus i will also through in some other yummy goodies just for good measure.

Okay, have I got your attention? So, all I want you to do is pass the love. Go find someone elses layout somewhere and show them some love. tell them what you like about the LO. you can do this through SIS if you are a member (if you aren't a member, crawl out from under that rock and come join in the fun, jk) or otherwise find one on someone's blog or website.
Then, leave me a comment with your name and also link up the LO you gave some love to.
I'll pick a winner on Saturday.