i'm here! sorry no updates in a while... if you didn't know the final Harry Potter book came out and i have been engulfed.... 500 pgs in 250 to go...can't stop reading... must finish book!
speaking of my book... look what dumb dumb Lola did today.... least she didn't ruin any of the pages... i say it adds character to the book... looks like it went through a battle or something...
Maybe Lola is jealous of all the attention the book is getting! ROFLMAO!!!!
Oh my god. Cookie does that if I leave my book on the bed. She does not touch it if its on the night stand. I think they are twins.
It looks like that care of magical creatures book that had teeth and would attack you unless you stroked its spine.
I have read way too much Harry Potter.
Yeah, so engulfed in a book that you can't even call your mother!
Definitely gives the book character!
You should have Lola exorcised. There's certainly a little demon lurking in there, purposely destroying such a great novel.
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