well things came full circle this baseball season... my dad and i went to the first game of the season against the padres and on weds. night we went to the last game of the season for the Giants, against the padres again. unfor-
tunatly, they lost both games.... but both fun none the less.
Brenda was there too with her family, so they came over to our seats and took some pics... glad they did cause i didn't bring my camera.
It was a sad game cause it was Barry Bonds last game as a Giant. Everyone has Thanks Barry signs and there were highlight videos playing at the middle of every inning. So glad i went. until next baseball season......
How flippin much fun are you having? Love the 1st photo being all pimp. Wish I could have been there too.
i'm so jealous. at least i was there for #1. love the pic of marky mark - did he bring the golden scissors?
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