our date last night was great. PF Changs was sooo yummy and we stopped by the cupcake store after and got some yummy treats. I also bought my pink christmas tree yesterday a la ebay... super excited about that!
so is it too early to put it up? i want to start decorating as soon as the tree gets here next week.
I hate when people complain about seeing christmas decorations already. Working retail i hear this alot.
"It's not even thanksgiving yet.... and you already decorated for christmas!!!!"
yes, just like last year and the year before that and the.... deal with it, it is the same time every year! I love it. I celebrate it. I saw a house with lights up yesterday and it made me giddy inside.
so, climbing off my soap box..... is it to early to put up the tree??
i say no not too early.
mine will hopefully be up by Tuesday cuz i wanna enjoy it for as long as i can.
post pics when you get it up. that pink tree looks fabulous!!!!
We are almost done putting the lights on the house! The official start of the season is the day after Thanksgiving, so it makes sense to have everything ready to go!!!
I LOVE THAT CHRISTMAS TREE ROOM! I can't wait to get one of our own someday soon! I think you should put your tree up as soon as you can so you don't miss out on any holiday cheer!
Not too early at all... Ali Edwards started already too! Have fun!
I am finally back online. Woo HOo. Loving the Pink tree. I just told Matt I want one and he gave me THE LOOK....Love the redecorating on the house too.
You should put up your tree when it arrives! If you check out Ali Edwards' blog, she all ready has one of her trees up :)
i love the pink tree and think it should go up asap. get pics of lola in front of it too like the little princess that she isn't. lol crazy girl.
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