oh yeah, and this etsy artist is super bad

in other news, i am sick with the enevitable cold of all colds so i am pretty bumbed about that.... so off to down some NyQuil and hit the sack...
Blogger Template: Minima White (Douglas Bowman) | 3-column - width 960px (Wilna Furstenberg)
what a yummy kit. Awesome stuff.
Hope you feel better...my house has been full of sickies.
I am just starting to feel better myself.
OHHhhhh! My little Nicoletta in not feeling good. If I were a good friend I would bring you some homemade chicken soup. I feel bad and hope you feel better soon.
Hey Girl, glad I found your blog ;) Hope ya feel better. I really need to Join SIS. I just gotta make some of thos canvas. Holla back :)
bumbed? as in a cardboard box in the alley? or did you mean that you are bummed.....ah so glad I'm the good speller of us two. :p
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