on saturday i recieved a scrapbooking kit in the mail
opened it to find a large RED ziploc bag...hmm, i thought, i didn't know ziploc bags came in red....
i proceed to open sed ziploc bag only to be covered by red shimmer as it comes flying outta the bag
so there was shimmer in the kit (like eyeshadow consistancy) that opened and ruined the kit and now also my shirt, lovely!
so i take the bag into the yard to salvage what i can in the kit
fill a bowl with water and begin cleaning anything i can
there i am covered in shimmer, my yard is covered in shimmer, and i realize this stupid kit is really not worth the trouble...
so i take what i saved into the house and left the bowl of now red water in the yard.
later that day, i see the bowl as spilled and the red water is all over my deck...
afraid it will stain the deck, i squirt everything off with the hose
as i clean out the bowl the h2o backfires into my face
now i am even more covered in shimmer
oh and i stepped in dog poop somewhere in the middle of all this...
it was like in movies when 20 thousand bad things happen to one person all within the span of 10 minutes... and you think, this would never all happen to one person at the same time..... yeah, i was that person
fast forward to today, well i thought i threw away the original ziploc bag.... but clearly i didn't cause the dogs found it, shreaded it and covered themselves in lovely shimmer.... i still havn't gotten it completly off them......
oh well, just another day in my crazy life.... and it makes for a good story too :)
Hahahah, silly dogs!
This is one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. Reminds of the time that I left my favorite "red leather" reeboks in the garage and my dog ate them. The next day he was pooping red leather pieces. Ooooh, that sound disgusting. I enjoy your site.
the story is hilarious lol.
My dog, Lennon, look like the brown one, on the left.
They are really cute!! ;)
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