Monday, October 29, 2007

it's beginning to look like halloween...

so i come home from work today (ron was off) and he has all the carving stuff ready to go.... so we start carving.... and he pops in "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and we sat there watching it carving our pumpkins and drinking caramel apple ciders.... we are total nerds and i love it! so of course i ran and put on my halloween charlie brown shirt cause i can only wear it a few more times until next year.... anyways, great night.... and there is still Heroes to come.... (smile).... oh and i made these yummis last night.... i meant to take them to work but so far they haven't gotten too far past the kitchen if ya know what i mean...
happy haunting!


Veronica Starr said...

great pumpkins!!! love halloween too!!!

RachelDenbow said...

Yum! Your pumpkins were fab. Love the white pumpkins I've been seeing everywhere!

RachelDenbow said...

Yum! Your pumpkins were fab. Love the white pumpkins I've been seeing everywhere!

Anonymous said...

those look fab - the stiched mouth is so cool!

Melissa said...

OMG what fab tastic pumpkins!!!