Sunday, February 3, 2008

almost ready for normal life again

while i do love to travel.... it is quite nice to be at home in my house with my dogs and my husband.

It is nice to have a fridge stocked full of water and coke zero so i don't have to hunt out a 7-11.

It is nice to watch TV without subtitles.

It is nice to have options when deciding what to eat.

It is nice to not have to pay for internet use by the minute.

i go back to work tomorrow so today is all about relaxing for one more day. I plan to watch the game with the hubs and maybe do some creating in front of the tv.

i did rent both the Beach and Broke Down Palace when i got home, both set in Thailand. We actually went to the beach were the Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio was filmed. It is called Maya Bay in the Phi Phi islands. Here i am wadding in the water there.

Oh, and these are the things that have made me happy since i got home.
wow cool is this. converse at target and i realized on this trip how important it is to have good luggage... i wish this yummy weekend bag wasn't so pricey

oh and can i say i can't stop thinking about this lil baby... i am trying to convince myself that i need it... but i totally don't...

and isn't the commercial for it awesome... so love that song, in fact i like all her songs so far but this one is still my fav

okay, off to work on some valentines day projects...
hubby heads back to San Jose for training again tonight... sigh... :(


Debbi said...

I had a feeling you were going to like the Converse at Target. Have a great day back at work.

Vee said...

they are even cuter in person!! you have to go to target, i love the glitter ones :)

Kimberly Scott said...

i love love love that song...its been on replay on the iPod. great video. i hadn't seen it!!